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Ontario, Canada

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Shop Shoes

"Shop Shoes" There's a tongue twister, say that like 15 times fast! 
There's no place like home!

I picked this sweet ride up for wearin' only in the shop.  I need close toed shoes, and I wasn't about to start sporting runner just to keep my orthodics happy.  This is the lesser of all evils, they don't really require socks (unless I knit myself a pair of silver shop socks...) hey there's another tongue twister, say that one 5 times fast, damn I'm quipy tonight!  They are sort of orthotics, cuz they are called Orthaheals!  Anyway, they are the best shop shoes I've found so far, with the exception of a cute pair of Birkenstock "Mary Jane's" which are way outta my range right now.  I've worn them twice and so far so good, if I could change anything, I would have gotten a half size smaller. 

Here's to ma' Orthaheals, Do you think that make me sound too old?  Orthaheals?


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